Cervical osteochondrosis is a pathological change in the tissue of the intervertebral disc and the vertebrae themselves. As a result, the soft tissue becomes thinner, and the effect of vertebral amortization decreases. Compression of blood vessels and nerve fibers occurs, and mobility of the cervical spine decreases.

Cervical osteochondrosis is one of the most dangerous localizations of osteochondrosis, because as a result of this disease, the blood supply to the brain declines.
Why is cervical osteochondrosis dangerous?
As a result, the normal function of the cervical spine is disrupted, its mobility decreases, and neck pain appears. Cervical osteochondrosis can lead to impaired blood circulation in the brain, migraines, heart rhythm disturbances, impaired vision, coordination and attention, and the development of intervertebral hernias.
Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis
The disease is characterized by acute pain in the neck, radiating to the back of the head, scapula and forearms. The pain may worsen when moving the head or in a certain position. As a result of the pain syndrome and the inflammatory process, the cervical muscles become overstretched. Patients often experience migraines, decreased hearing and visual acuity, dizziness, tinnitus, sudden changes in blood pressure, fainting. Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis may be a violation of fingertip sensitivity.
Types of osteochondrosis
Localization distinguishes cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and common osteochondrosis. Most often, lumbar osteochondrosis is diagnosed (more than 50%of cases), cervical (more than 25%) and extensive (about 12%).
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
Parents often utter a general expression addressed to children: "Don’t turn your body! " Doctors ask instead: "make sure you turn your body. " Whatever the age. This is the only way to prevent a dangerous disease - osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
The neck is designed naturally not just to hold the head and rotate it in different directions, which, over the years, for years for untrained people who do not take care of their health, has become a rather difficult problem. The spinal nerves, the arteries that feed the brain, the nerve roots and the trunk, which make nerve connections with the hands, heart, and lungs, pass through the neck area.
Complaints with osteochondrosis of this type are very diverse: pain in the heart, headache, dizziness with short -term loss of consciousness (due to disruption of blood supply to the brain), pain in the shoulder joint or throughout the arm.
Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
Pain that occurs from time to time in the thoracic spine is common for everyone who does hard physical work. As a rule, this painful and unpleasant sensation serves as the first sign that a rather unpleasant disease is beginning to develop in the body - osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. Often the disease affects people referred to as inactive professions: designers, computer operators, car drivers.
But not necessarily you, even if you drag heavy objects every day or have to sit at your desk for hours, you will suffer from osteochondrosis.
A reliable disease deterrent is proper body posture. While walking, try to keep your back straight, shoulders straight. To form a posture, as you yourself understand, it is necessary from an early age. But you can do this at the age of 30 or 40. Indeed, better late than never!
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
At first, there is a dull pain in the lumbar region and in the legs, then numbness in the legs is usually observed, a marked increase in pain with sudden body movements, with tremors.
Causes of cervical osteochondrosis
The cause of cervical osteochondrosis is usually associated with aging of the body and age -related changes in tissues. However, lifestyle and related factors increase the risk of developing the disease. This includes:
- low physical activity, inactive work;
- overweight and unhealthy diet;
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system: flat feet, rheumatism, scoliosis, postural disorders;
- injuries to the neck or back of the head.
In addition, osteochondrosis can be caused by other spinal diseases. The spine is a whole, and also needs to be treated in a complex. That’s why the first thing to do if you suspect osteochondrosis is to undergo a thorough spinal examination.
Osteochondrosis is a disease of the cartilage surface of the bones of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine (as well as the hip and knee joints). Osteochondrosis has four stages of development.
To understand the essence of the disease, it is necessary at least in general to understand the structure of the spine. The vertebrae are connected to each other by ligaments and intervertebral discs. The holes in the vertebrae form the channels where the spinal cord is located; its roots, containing sensory nerve fibers, extend between each pair of vertebrae. When the spine is flexed, the intervertebral discs are somewhat compacted on the sides of the slope, and their nuclei are moved in the opposite direction. In short, the intervertebral disc is a shock absorber that softens the pressure on the spine under stress.
Mass morbidity is associated primarily with a person’s vertical position, where the load on the spine and intervertebral discs is much higher than on animals. If you do not learn how to sit, stand, lie down, then the disc will lose the ability to carry out its function (amortization) and after some time the outer shell of the disc will crack, and a hernial bulge will form. They compress blood vessels (which cause spinal circulatory disorders) or spinal cord roots, and in rare cases, the spinal cord itself. These changes are accompanied by painful sensations and reflex tension of the back muscles.

According to statistics, almost every second person aged 25 to 55 suffers from osteochondrosis. But most people begin to feel the manifestations of osteochondrosis after 35 years. The development and worsening of spinal osteochondrosis is facilitated by static and dynamic loads, as well as vibration.
This can be due to:
- work associated with frequent changes in the position of the rod - bending and elongation, bends, jerky movements,
- lifting heavy loads,
- incorrect posture while standing, sitting, lying down and when carrying weights,
- physical education and sports regardless of the influence of heavy physical training,
- poor meteorological conditions - low temperatures with high air humidity.
But it cannot be said that if you follow all the instructions exactly, then osteochondrosis will not threaten you. However, the cause of the disease can be a traumatic injury.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
Treatment is prescribed after examination. The doctor collects the anamnesis and directs the patient to be examined. Often - for magnetic resonance imaging. After finding out the real cause of the disease, they started treatment.
In the acute period, doctors prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. During the remission period - physiotherapy procedures - massage, kinesiotherapy, shock wave therapy, physiotherapy exercises. This method aims to strengthen the muscular corset, relieve tension and prevent the onset of disease.
Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis
- Get regular checkups.This disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Annual examinations will identify the disease at an early stage and cure it before it progresses to more severe levels.
- Watch your posture.Keep your back straight and your shoulders slender. If you work a lot at a computer or desk, choose a comfortable chair, sit properly, and warm up every half hour or hour of work.
- Live an active lifestyle.Walking more, being outdoors, playing sports, swimming are very useful.
- Use orthopedic pillows while you sleep.
Osteochondrosis and its prevention
Taking care of one’s health is everyone’s direct responsibility; he has no right to transfer it to another. After all, often a person with the wrong lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, overeating at the age of 20-30 years brings himself to a state of disaster. No matter how perfect the medicine is, it cannot save everyone from all diseases. Man is the creator of his own health, which must be fought for. From an early age, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, be patient, exercise and play sports, adhere to the rules of personal hygiene - in other words, to achieve the proper health harmony.
Exercising for the long term is a reliable prevention of cervical spine osteochondrosis. Here are some exercises for the prevention of this type of osteochondrosis:
- Press your forehead into the palms of your hands and tighten your neck muscles. Do the exercise 3 times for 7 seconds. Then press the back of your head in the palm of your hand also 3 times for 7 seconds.
- Stretch the neck muscles, press with the left temple on the left palm (3 times for 7 seconds), and then press on the right palm with the right temple (3 times for 7 seconds).
- Tilt your head back slightly. To overcome the endurance of the tense neck muscles, press your chin against the jugular fossa. Do the exercise at least 5 times.
- Keep your head and shoulders straight. Slowly turn the head as far as possible to the right (5 times). Make the movement to the left as many times as possible.
- Lower your chin to your neck. Turn your head 5 times to the right and then 5 times to the left.
- Throw your head back. Try touching the right ear to your right shoulder (5 times). Do the same movement, trying to touch the left shoulder with the left ear (5 times).
It is recommended to include this exercise in morning hygiene exercises, as well as do this exercise on weekdays. You can do it both while sitting and standing. However, you do not have to do circular rotational movements with the head. This can result in injury.
Prevention of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
If you also regularly do exercises (listed below) that expand and maintain the tone of the muscles of the back and abdomen, ensuring normal movement of all segments of the thoracic spine, then osteochondrosis will not overwhelm you.
- I. p. - standing; while inhaling, stand upright, hands down, feet together. Stretch your arms - exhale. Bend back and take a deep breath. Then lower your arms, bend forward, slightly round your back, lower your shoulders and head - exhale. Repeat 8-10 times.
- I. p. - sit on the chair. Place your hands behind your head - inhale, bend backwards as many as 3 - 5 times, place your shoulder blades on the back of the chair - exhale.
- I. p. - Get four. Bend your back as much as possible and hold for 2 - 3 seconds in this position. Keep your head straight. Return to i. p. and repeat the same exercise 5 to 7 times.
- I. p. - lie on your stomach and place your hands on the floor. Force back as much as possible, trying to tear the body off the floor.
- I. p. - lying on stomach, arms along the body. Bend to the thoracic spine, trying to lift your head and legs as much as possible.
These exercises, which relieve pressure on the thoracic spine, are recommended to be done throughout the day during short breaks from work. In exercises 3 to 5, breathing is arbitrary. Perform the 4th and 5th exercises 5-8 times. This exercise can be incorporated into morning workouts. Very useful for doing some movements after work. The main thing is that you do complex prevention every day, then you will insure yourself against osteochondrosis.
How to sit properly
- avoid furniture that is too soft - this is not for you. In order for the weight not to put excessive pressure on the spine, the body must be supported by the ischemic tubercles, and this can only be done on a hard seat.
- the following conditions apply to furniture on which you should sit for a long time: the height of the chair, the chair must correspond to the length of the lower legs - it is necessary that the legs are located on the floor; for people of small stature, it is recommended to replace the bench under their feet; maximum seating depth about 2/3 hip length.
- there must be enough leg space under the table so they don’t have to bend too much.
- if you must sit for a long time, try every 15 to 20 minutes. warm up a little, change the position of the legs.
- make sure your back is close to the back of the chair.
- sit upright, do not tilt your head too much or bend your torso, so as not to stretch the muscles of the body.
- If based on your activities, you have to read for a long time each day, make a tool on the table (musical instrument) that supports the book at a sufficient height and lean towards the table so that you do not have to tilt the upper body forward.
- while driving a car, try to sit relaxed. It is important that the back is well supported. To do this, place a thin cushion between the lower back and the back of the chair, which will maintain the lumbar bend. Keep your head straight. After a few hours of driving, get out of the car and do basic gymnastic exercises: bends, bends, squats-8-10 times each.
- in front of the TV screen, do not sit or lie in one position for long periods of time. Change periodically, get up to stretch. We sat for 1-1. 5 hours, sit in a chair or chair, relax your muscles, take a deep breath.
How to stand properly
When a person stands for a long time, the spine experiences significant stress, especially the lumbar region.
- changing position every 10-15 minutes, while leaning on one or the other leg, this will reduce the load on the spine.
- if possible, walk in place, move.
- from time to time, bend backwards, stretch the arms upwards, take a deep breath. This can relieve fatigue from the muscles in the shoulder girdle, neck, nape, back.
- if you wash dishes, iron linens, replace one or the other leg on a small bench or box. For those who suffer from osteochondrosis, it is better to iron while sitting or place the ironing board so that you do not have to bend the body low.
- while cleaning the apartment, working with a vacuum cleaner, also try not to bend down, it is better to extend the interval with additional tubes. While cleaning under the bed, kneel next to your knees under the table.
- to pick up an object from the floor, squat down or bend with your knees bent and place your hands on a chair or table. This way you do not overload the lumbar spine.
How to lie properly
It is better to sleep not on a soft bed, but also not on a board. The bed should be semi -rigid so that the body, when a person lies on his back, maintains a physiological curve (cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis). For this:
- place a protector across the width of the bed or sofa, and 5-8 cm thick foam rubber on top of it. Cover with a wool blanket and place the blanket.
- when there is pain in the leg, you can place a blanket roller under the knee joint - this reduces the stretching of the sciatic nerve and relieves pain in the leg.
- when their back hurts, many patients prefer to sleep on their stomachs. Place a small pillow under your lower abdomen to prevent the lower back from getting too flexible, which causes more pain.
- lovers sleeping on their side can sleep with one leg on the other, and hands under the head.
Waking up in the morning for patients with acute manifestations of osteochondrosis can be very difficult. Do this:
- do moderate arm and leg exercises first;
- if you sleep on your back, roll to your stomach;
- lower one foot to the floor;
- lean on these legs and arms, transfer weight to your knees and gradually get up without making sudden movements.
And one more piece of advice. For those who like water baths, dry steam (sauna) is preferred, and during the excitement, the sauna should be abandoned.
How to lift and lift weights properly
One of the main causes of exacerbation of osteochondrosis and the formation of intervertebral disc herniation, especially in the lumbosacral region, is lifting and carrying heavy loads. Acutely, unexpectedly, there is pain in the lower back when the weight is lifted suddenly, with jerks, and then the heavy object is moved to the side, while turning the body.
How to lift weights properly
- Do not carry heavy loads in one hand, especially long distances, so as not to burden the spine, separate the load and carry it in both hands. Unable to support weight, bends sharply and bends (bends backwards).
- generally, osteochondrosis patients are undesirable to lift and carry weights of more than 15 kg. We advise you to buy a trolley or bag with wheels.
- a backpack with a wide strap is very comfortable for carrying heavy loads over long distances. The weight of the full backpack is distributed over the weight of the spine, and the hands remain free.
How to lift weights properly
- wear, if any, a weight -lifting belt or wide belt;
- squat down, while the back should be straight, the neck should be straightened;
- weigh with both hands, get up without bending your back.
And finally, the most important advice. If there is acute pain in any part of the spine, you cannot treat yourself with pills and ointments. Seek the help of a qualified neurologist - you should make an accurate diagnosis, relieve pain and make plans for further treatment.